The Last Question...

Video / Audio played in the city of Spain

You are what you search, you are what you ask. No matter how technology evolves, we never stopped ask questions. No matter how big or small the questions could be. Can we ask more creative questions than AI? Can we ask questions which out of AI’s prediction? Can our questions change the future someday? We changed our way looking for answers, hopefully we will never stop raising more questions.

It was an art residency program, I invited citizens I met in the city of Spain to read out the last thing they searched in their smart assistant in Spanish/English, then I played their questions in the city, People passed by would feel like they were being asked these questions.

Below are some questions I collected:

¿Cuánto mide la región cervical?
How long is the cervical region?

¿Nos estamos comiendo el plástico?
Are we eating the plastic?

Quien es el hijo de lord dingwall?
Who is the son of Lord dingwall?

¿Quien soy?
Who I am?

¿Puedes mostrarme el mapa de Mallorca?
Can you show me the map of Majorca?

¿Cómo es el tiempo en Marratxí?
What is the weather like in Marratxi?

¿Cuándo se estrenará la segunda temporada del grifo?
When will the second season of the tap premiere?

¿Cuándo son los exámenes de ciencias de la actividad?
When are the activity science exams?

¿Qué es un bocadillo de roast beef?
What is a roast beef sandwich?

Has visto en los últimos resultados de la Fórmula 1?
Did you check the last results of Formula 1?

¿Mallorca tiene hermosas playas?
Does Majorca have beautiful beaches?

¿Cómo está el tiempo hoy en España?
When is the next Formul 1 race?

Qué meteorología hará hoy
What will the weather be like today?

ποιοι είναι οι καλύτεροι προορισμοί διακοπών για καλοκαιρινές διακοπές 2023?
Which are the best holiday destinations for summer holiday 2023?

Πώς θα είναι ο καιρός σήμερα στο Λονδίνο;
How is the weather going to be today in London?

ποια είναι τα καλύτερα τηγάνια για αγορά;
Which are the best frying pans to buy?
